Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hearing is Everyone's Business

Click here to go to the "Senza Sordino" Download Page. The latest edition should be posted shortly.

Some genius decided that everything should beep - ATM's, grocery store scanners, gas pumps, seatbelt warnings, backing up trucks, microwaves, TV's, cordless phones, etc and they are all at high pitches- the most damaging frequency.
Add to that power tools, drills, leaf blowers, lawnmowers, snow blowers, iPods cranked up,
( iPods are capped at 100 decibels in Europe. Over that level one can only listen for one hour a day without risk to hearing) and amplified music everywhere you go and we have a scary scenario. Our hearing is at risk!

If hearing is your business ( and livelihood) it is our responsibility to protect our hearing and to advocate for turning volumes down. As more and more people become hard of hearing, decibel levels will rise. It is certainly my vision of hell, living in what is already a toxically loud environment that hurts not only our ears but also increases blood pressure and anxiety levels.

Noise induced hearing injuries are rising rapidly. The injuries including constant ringing or roaring in your head called Tinnitus or off the charts sensitivity where all sounds are as if they have been turned up on high and normal sounds seem intolerably loud. There are two injuries where this can occur called hyperacussis and recruitment. These may or may not be accompanied by hearing loss but in fact are more life changing. For a very in depth study please see which is downloadable on my website.

We have been so proactive in the greening of our country, of lobbying against all types of pollution. What about noise pollution? We have to do it!